Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Free Press

Looking back I have to say the editors and reporters from Patch and the Northville Record have been wonderful to me! Nancy Kelsey, Susanne Spruit and Jeff Moore from Patch have been very supportive. Jeff wrote a great profile article and captured the essence of the vision for the concept on the classes. Susanne came out and gave me a lesson on how to navigate patch. Nancy Kelsey showed up for most events I invited her to. Camera in hand!

Cal Stone from the Record was great about getting events on the calendar and printing my Thanksgiving piece as a guest writer last year!  Lonnie Huhmann and Julie Brown did a great job on articles featuring the classes and Children's Marketplace. (Yes, I did another free event that wasn't effective).

All of the Free Press did help get the name of the business and the concept out there. I know because so many people who stopped by
to check it out would tell me they read about it!

In addition, many of the classes booked came from referrals from Moms whose daughters had taken a class or been a guest at a Birthday Party. The nicest compliment you can receive is when someone tells you that they heard about you from a friend.

I am very grateful for the kindness and the effort that these nice people have shown. I believe that any success I had has come from people who believe in the message and gave me an opportunity!

I thought the more people who knew, the more people would see the value and book a class or party. Some did!

Facebook has been and is an invaluable tool. If you're not using it for your business on a regular basis you're missing out! Blogging is also a much underrated tool for business. If you're like me and have a lot to say about your product or service you should be sharing it!

When all is said and done, what I have learned is that there isn't much demand for "Manners and Etiquette" classes.

Should I forget about it and move on?

No, it's too important to our children's future!

I WILL find another way to help people see the value in learning how to set a proper table, how to order from a server, actually using a napkin, how to sit at the table, what NOT to talk about at the table.
Being considerate to people who are eating with you and around you and how to be a gracious guest.

How to greet and introduce people to one another, a proper handshake, write a thank you note, how to be courteous, helpful and kind to others, not just to people YOU like and people who are like YOU!

So, to the writers and editors as well as the Moms who have given Hearts of Inspiration FREE PRESS,

Thank You!

Next: Thanksgiving or Giving Thanks

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